Joined forces

Before the launch of the LRI, leprosy research was funded mostly by individual members of the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP). No structural joint funding mechanism was available and collaborative funding only occurred on an ad hoc basis. Exceptionally, funds were found outside of the ILEP membership.  In 2013 the LRI was launched as a joint venture of NLR, American Leprosy Missions (ALM), German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association (GLRA) and effect:hope (The Leprosy Mission Canada). The Leprosy Mission International (TLMI) joined LRI in 2015 and Damien Foundation and Anesvad Foundation joined in 2020. In 2020 effect:hope ended the partnership and has withdrawn their support to LRI due to lack of funds.

The  partners of the LRI have agreed on a joint policy with clearly defined research priorities and is guided by a Steering Committee. The LRI has established a thorough and independent scientific review procedure for the selection and monitoring of new and ongoing projects in which an independent Scientific Review Committee (SRC) holds a key role.


The LRI is a foundation under Dutch law and is managed by the Director of NLR, implementing the decisions of the LRI Executives Group and supervised by the Supervisory Board of NLR.


A world free from leprosy


To contribute to our vision by:

  1. promoting, facilitating and funding high-quality leprosy research;
  2. strengthening research capacity in endemic countries, and;
  3. facilitating translation of research results into policy and practice.


The goal of LRI is to:

  1. Establish and maintain a joint research fund to support leprosy research that fits with the LRI priorities.
  2. Secure funding from external sources for research projects related to the LRI joint research agenda that cannot be funded (solely) by the LRI fund.


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